
Chang'e-2 you will be able to see moon bases and domes and towers and huge buildings! More new images of the moon posted here for downloads soon! Thanks to NASA, America, Russia, China, Aliens, UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Moon, Space, Milky Way Galaxy. China on Monday published a set of full coverage of moon map and new moon pics with a resolution of seven meters captured by the country's second moon orbiter, 1 Pixel = 7 Meters on the Chang'e-2. The scientists have produced 746 moon pictures with the resolution of seven meters being very high resolution moon photos and the total volume of data is about 800 GB, the statement said. The map and new moon photos released by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) are the world's highest-resolution lunar images ever published that cover all of the moon, said Liu Dongkui, deputy chief commander of China's lunar new moon photos project.
The new moon pictures were photographed by a charge-coupled device (CCD) stereo camera on Chang'e-2 from the heights of 100 km and 15 km over the lunar surface between October 2010 and May 2011, the SASTIND statement said. China's Chang'e-2 New Moon Bases Pictures. Moon Bases Photos. Highest Resolution Moon Photos! China Moon Photos, Chinas Moon Pictures, NASA Bases Towers Domes UFOs High Res Highest Resolution NASAs Moons Photo Picture Images Chang'e-2 lien UFO Aliens Space Entertainment Photographs Moon Photography.
Mise a part des fleches rouges pas en HD on ne voit pas grand chose de révélateur n'est-ce pas. Même en capture d'écran c'est Niet......
RépondreSupprimerIdem, mais quelle connerie...
RépondreSupprimerAille...comme cà rma e sec pour trouver de croustillantes images...
RépondreSupprimerEffectivement, on distingue un petit bidul mais comme la résolution est en Km, une puxélisation parasite n'est pas à exclure.
Donc tout va bien. Ouf, j'ai eu peur.
LOL !!
RépondreSupprimeravec mon télescope a 360.000 km je fait de meilleurs tirages que le HD low cost Chinois à quelques km de la Lune ;)
Et c'est moin cher ;)